Friday, 27 September 2019

End of term reflection

This term we have been up to a lot of things like PrEP, wearable arts and more. PrEP and wearable arts were probably my favourite about this term as well because they were the only really big things that we did. This term I was very proud of making $1347 for PrEP with the float of $100. Next term my goal is to be up to the standerd that you should be up to for a year 9. Here are some photos from this term. 

Friday, 20 September 2019


This week and last week we have had PrEP in our school we have a thing called PrEP each year. PrEP is an accation that we do each year for the hole school to join in with. You start off with making a group and finding out what you want to make you can make up to 2 things in your group. You start off with $300 and you have to buy all of the products for what you are going to make. You also get paid for being at school and making your product but if you are away you don't get paid. There are also responsibility's that people in the group have like the CEO, the secretary, and the treasurer, if you have more team mates you also have workers. Every worker in the group have to work to make the product. There are mini market and big market where you sell the product that you have made. You also get fake money that you get paid with. That is mostly all that PrEP does for our school and what we do with it. My group made Bohemian wall hangers and stickers. Here is our product.

Friday, 6 September 2019

Zoos are harmful

This week we have been working on arguments.
We had to do an argument on recycling first and next we had to do an
argument on video gaming and whether we thing its harmful or harmless.
Once we had done that we had to write our own argument.
I wrote me argument on Zoos are harmful below.

Zoos are harmful.

Zoos are places where people put animals up for display.
They have zoos to show people animals that they might not be able to go
and see everyday. So they put them into a zoo so people can see them and
be safe. Sometimes zoos let you hold snakes,lizards,koala's and heaps more.
You can do to loads of different zoos like normal zoos, aquarium, zoos,
children's zoos, and heaps more. I believe zoos are harmful for the following

Firstly zoos are harmful. Zoos can be harmful in many different ways some
zoos are not good in different countries they may hurt the animals which
is definitely bad for them. Other zoos keep animals in tight small places or
away from their other family. Animals need to be with their family so they
feel like they are at home. Other animals don't need to be with there family.
I think that they should not be kept in a small place because it could be

Secondly zoos are like jail for animals. Zoos are like animal prison they
keep animals in a place where they are not free to live their normal life.
They are put into cages and then put into a place they cannot get out of
just like prisons. Even at some of the best zoos they are still kept in a cage
and cannot go free. 

Lastly zoos can treat animals the breading machines. There are many
zoos that make animals breed like they are machines which is not fair
for the animals. If animals wanted to breed they would but people make
them and it is not fair. For example Animal Adventure Park treated April
the giraffe like a breeding machine. It's not fair for animals anywhere
around the world.

I strongly believe that zoos are bad for animals,as they are harmful,like jail,
and treat them like breeding machines. I hope you now realise the wrongs
about zoos.

Number Sequence DLO

This week we have been working on making Number Sequences in maths this is my Number Sequence. I found this task pretty easy to figure out and I think it would be easy for you if you don't know too.